Tuesday 19 August 2014

216 More Indians Return From Libya

Another batch of 216 Indians returned from Libya via Djerba today, taking the total number of Indians evacuated from the strife-torn country to 2,750, the Spokesperson in the External Affairs Ministry said, adding that the process of getting Indians out was continuing. Out of 2,750 Indians, private companies facilitated departure of 450 Indian workers employed with them.

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Apart from taking a slew of measures to facilitate the departure of Indians in Libya, which is witnessing stepped up violence, the Ministry has issued a number of advisories asking Indians to leave the conflict-hit country and not to travel there.

Prior to the uprising in Libya, the number of Indians there was estimated to be more than 18,000. The Indian professionals were mainly employed in hospitals and other teaching institutions whereas a major part of manpower was engaged in construction projects. During the course of the revolution, most of them were evacuated to India in February-March 2011.

Few hundred Indians continued to serve in Libya even during the revolution period. Gradually, more Indians have returned to Libya and there were about 4,500 registered Indians before the outbreak of fresh violence there. An estimated unregistered 1000 or more Indians are also expected to be there, according to officials.

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