Tuesday 19 August 2014

Cerci Denies Torino Departure

Torino's Alessio Cerci has denied sending a tweet indicating he is leaving the Serie A club to join Atletico Madrid.

A tweet from Cerci's account read: "Accordo raggiunto con @Atleti ringrazio torino e I suoi tifosi per tutto" which translates to "agreement reached with Atletico Thanks to Torino and their fans for everything".

Cerci, 27, has been linked with Atletico, but he claimed a hacker posted the tweet.

"I absolutely didn't send the message, I was playing the Playstation with my team-mates. Someone must have gone onto my account," Cerci told Sky Sport Italia.

"Now I will take action because it absolutely wasn't me. I received so many telephone calls and I didn’t know what was going on. I don’t know what to say.

"Now we will see who it was. You can talk about the transfer window, but I never wrote anything of that sort.

"It wasn't even me who deleted it. Now I will go down the legal route and see who it was."

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