Wednesday 13 August 2014

I Met Robin Williams: Your Stories Of The Comic Legend

At age 9, Stephanie Wilson, left, met Robin Williams while at a camp for sick children. In 1999, she got to perform with Williams at a fundraising gala. "He was hilarious. I wish he had known how much we appreciated him," she said.
 Robin Williams touched more people emotionally than he will ever know.

 After the news broke that the beloved comedic actor had taken his own life on Monday, hundreds of tributes poured in to  iReport. Many were from people who had met him over the year

"I told him that I have waited 30 years for this moment and that it was an honor. This look came over his face like that comment had really touched him," said Dan McMaster, who met Williams during his Weapons of Self-Destruction tour in 2009.

From a surprise hug for a woman during a stand-up comedy show to visiting a dying child to fulfill her last wish, the stories of how Williams affected those he met were profound. The actor was a longtime supporter of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and a big supporter of the United Service Organizations, or USO, which provides support and morale-boosting performances to U.S. troops and their families.

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